Risk Management

240 East Onondaga Street

Syracuse, New York 13202



It is a pleasure to present the policy and procedures guidelines for the Diocesan Self-Insurance Program. As many of you know, we are celebrating the 50th year our Self-Insurance Program and over the years, each and every institution of the Diocese has shared in the success of this program through stable insurance rates and excellent insurance coverage.

Over four decades ago, it became evident that Protected Self-Insurance was the most practical and responsible way to insure our properties and provide liability insurance for all entities within the diocese. The program was instituted after extensive research and recommendations by a special committee of the Diocese.  At the time of its inception, the Program provided more insurance and greater coverage than any previous program, and I am happy to report that the Program continues to provide this excellent vehicle of protection.

We feel that the success of this Program is due in large part to the conscious awareness of all our pastors and administrators that this plan is our own. While it is true the diocese is protected from catastrophic loss through the purchase of higher levels of insurance, the self-insured portion has been protected by the excellent and faithful cooperation of our pastors and administrators.  This effort to guard against loss has provided benefits to all parishes and institutions as well as all of the people of the diocese.

Please study the outline of the Program as contained in this website. May I ask you to give particular attention to the procedures to be followed with respect to reporting claims. Prompt and accurate reporting is of great benefit in containing the cost of claims.  Also helpful in this regard is your assistance in securing the proper verification of insurance from non-parish groups using your premises.

Again, may I congratulate each and every participant in the Diocesan Protected Self-Insurance Program.  Your conscientious cooperation is deeply appreciated.

Faithfully yours,

Most Reverend Douglas J. Lucia

Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse

Risk Management Office

240 E. Onondaga Street

Syracuse, NY 13202

Brian McAuliffe, Risk/Claims Manager, 315-470-1494 or x 1094 or email bmcauliffe@syrdio.org

Sue Wuerthner, Risk Management Specialist, 315-470-1495 or x 1095 or email swuerthner@syrdio.org

Fax: 315-478-4619

Nights and holidays - call Brian McAuliffe at 847-269-4705 or email bmcauliffe@syrdio.org 

Office of Facilities Management

Ed King, Manager

315-470-1478 or x 1478

Nights and holidays - call Ed King at 315-380-9309 or email eking@syrdio.org 

Executive Insurance Committee

John Mirabito, Chairman


Danielle Cummings     Tony D’Amato     Fr. John Kurgan

     Bill Doran     Lindsay Cronkright      

Kimberly Townsend     Dave Wyman      Dan Walker

 Staff:  Stephen Breen, Brian McAuliffe, Carol Pieklik  


The Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse Protected Self-Insurance Program is a self-insurance program which provides 

uniform all-risk coverage under one comprehensive plan for all parishes 

and agencies of the Diocese of Syracuse. The program is managed by the Diocese Risk Management Department.  

We define Risk Management as finding cost-effective ways to prevent or pay for accidental losses. 


Under Protected Self-Insurance, the Diocese assumes responsibility for all claims.  

In effect, this means that every parish or agency is sharing in the payment of claims through its premiums. 

It means also that the amount of premium paid will have a direct relationship to the amount of claims paid.

Such a program demands an increased awareness and responsibility for safety conditions, and the correction of improper, 

hazardous or unsafe situations.  The benefits of such awareness will be a reduction in total claims, and a continued savings

in the cost of insurance to all parishes and agencies.  We maintain very high levels of Self-Insurance Retention.

Above these levels we have purchased various levels of Excess Insurance to cover against large catastrophes.

Our program must, therefore, be managed in accordance with the recognized principles and practices of underwriting 

and claims adjustment that is required under the terms of our excess policies.


The Diocese of Syracuse Risk Management Office will provide each parish and diocesan institution the following services:

                                ADVANTAGES TO EACH PARISH

The management of our Program is closely monitored by our excess carriers, the State of New York Insurance Department, the Motor Vehicle Bureau, and the Workers’ Compensation Board. It is a great privilege to be allowed to self-insure in the State of New York, but it is a privilege we can lose if we do not continually comply with the strict requirements.


Teamwork is clearly a vital ingredient to a successful Risk Management Program.  This Risk Management team is all of us working together to make the Diocese of Syracuse, a safe place in which to carry out our Christian mission.



                                           WHAT IS EXCLUDED