
Fund Raising Policies and Guidelines

With the few exception provided for under Canon Law, all fund raising activities within the diocese by diocesan entities and for “… any pious or ecclesiastical institute or purpose…” require the prior written permission of the Bishop. The Bishop’s Office has delegated responsibility for reviewing requests and proposals, and making recommendations to him, to the Diocesan Stewardship and Development Office.

Diocesan entities receiving HOPE Appeal Funds

As a general rule, diocesan programs and ministries receiving funding from the HOPE Appeal do not conduct fund raising projects independent of the HOPE Campaign. Any exceptions to this practice must be submitted to the Development Office for review and have the prior written consent of the Bishop. Exceptions are individual Catholic Schools and county specific Catholic Charities, when such fund raising projects are included in annual work plans. However, if fundraising projects extend beyond the normal service area, overlap other diocesan institutions or are proposed during the HOPE Appeal black out period, prior approval is required.

HOPE Appeal “Black-out” period:

Fund raising during the six weeks preceding and the six weeks following HOPE Appeal Sunday has been restricted to the HOPE Appeal. HOPE Sunday is generally the third Sunday in May. Exceptions to this policy may be requested through the Stewardship and Development Office.

Capital Campaigns

All Capital Campaigns require prior written approval from the Bishop’s Office. Specific guidelines exist for Parishes and certain other Diocesan entities. Consultation with the Stewardship and Development Office is recommended early in the planning process for Capital Campaigns

Approved March 14, 2004


May 2, 2007

Wherefore, and in accord with the prescripts of canon 1262, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops decrees that the following norms shall govern fund-raising appeals to the faithful for Church support:


Competent Ecclesiastical Authority


